Case study: Ronny Rozenberg Fotografie - PicturePresent

Case study: Ronny Rozenberg Fotografie

homeportrait-ronnySome might have seen parts of this message when I’ve facebooked {how else to say it} and tweeted about it a little while ago.

Hey Ronny,

Good news: so far 3500 unique visitors have visited your client sites. What’s more: 2083 of them have clicked through to your own website and 41 visitors sent your slideshows along to their friends!

You must be doing something right…!


This is an email that PicturePresent sent me and these are some great numbers showing perfectly how PicturePresent enriches my business!

So First of all. My marketing is in a constant growth and improvement. The numbers talk for themselves. Though you might be used to see higher statistics from your Google Analytics, but allow me to show you why as that I’m so thrilled. Additional 3500 visitors to see my work, Super! But more importantly are the 2803 visitors who clicked further to see my main website. Who are these 2083 visitors?Most of them are friends, colleagues, sisters and neighbors of my (your) couples. Just think about it…They all have seen you working at a wedding. Most of them will later see the grand wedding album while the rest will see the images online. So if you’ve performed superbly! Who do you think all these people will likely to call next time they are looking for a photographer? That’s right! To YOU!


“These are some great numbers and show perfectly how PicturePresent enriches my business!”

Ronny Rozenberg

So what else?!

Couples get a personal client site packed with a slideshow, guestbook and webstore. Showcasing your images in a very elegant, powerful and smart way. I’m sure that by this alone, I already create a better experience and provide with a higher service to all my clients and their friends.

Ok…tell me more.

Well did I already mention how PicturePresent saves you time? After that you’ve excited your audience with a slideshow and a cool song. A webstore will be available along a large variety of products. All the friends, colleague, sisters and yes the neighbors will be able to order, design and create everything from a single image to calendars and thank you cards and even canvases and albums. The products will be shipped directly to their homes by PicturePresent. It saves you time processing orders while allows your clients the freedom of personal choice. They can design and use their own creativity in a fun and easy way. I say: Wow!


“They can design and use their own creativity in a fun and easy way. I say: WOW!”

Ronny Rozenberg

So besides your high-end albums, you won’t need to process another “post wedding order” ever again. All you’ll need to do is once to upload all the images while drinking cup of coffee. Later design a slideshow (which will not take you more than 10 minutes) and tadaa… Can’t get easier than that, can it?


If you don’t use yet PicturePresent, you better get yourself an account and fast. And the best part is that you can even get one for FREE! So for all you photographers out there, I can only hope that PicturePresent will help your business to grow as it helped mine.

Check out Ronny Rozenberg Photography.
Lees ook wat andere fotografen vinden!


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Apparatuur nodig? Huur voordelig camera's of lenzen van fotografen in je buurt.